RVing is a wonderful way of life, and whether you’re a full-time traveler or only able to take your rig out for seasonal trips, RV trips offer a personalized experience like no other. Unfortunately, RVing also requires planning: where to go, how to get there, what to bring along, what to do in case of an emergency, and finally, how much will this all cost? Putting together an RV Budget is an extremely important part of the process, but it often goes overlooked. After all, the journey is the fun part, right?
An RV Warranty, like the Viking Protection Plan, can help to alleviate much of the stress surrounding the holes in your RV budget. New and Used RV’s alike have the potential to suffer major mechanical breakdowns at any time, and an RV Extended Warranty policy can provide you with the peace of mind that should you hit a major failure out on the road, your budget is protected.
How likely is it that your RV will breakdown?
The numbers might surprise you! Claims records show that 3 out of every 10 RV’s will suffer a major breakdown in only their second year on the road. This number jumps to 8 out of 10 by their 5th year, and nearly every RV by their 8th year on the road! The likelihood that your RV will suffer a major mechanical failure increases with each year of ownership, especially considering that many travelers purchase their vehicles used. When did your rig first hit the road?
How much will RV breakdowns cost?
If you have recently taken your RV in for service, you know that the cost of parts and labor has skyrocketed over the past few years. This is largely attributed to the modernization of today’s RV’s. Motorhomes and towable RV’s are more mechanically sophisticated than ever before, and contain high quality appliances, waste systems, heating and cooling systems, and much more.
RV Repair labor rates in most areas are currently hovering at around $100 or more per hour, though you can expect to see numbers closer to $125+ in large metropolitan areas, or locations that are popular among the RVing community. According to repair statistics, the cost of parts for a given RV repair generally comes out to double the cost of labor. RV claims data indicates, then, that the average repair will cost $300 or more per hour that your RV is being worked on.
The graphic below highlights some of the most common repairs covered by the Viking Protection Plan RV Warranty:
Peace of Mind:
RV’s can and will breakdown, and when they do, they’ll cost you. Don’t spend your hard-earned time on the road worrying about what will happen if you experience a major failure while traveling. RV Warranty protection will pay for many of the most common and expensive mechanical breakdowns faced by motorhome and towable RV owners each and every day. With an RV Extended Warranty like the Viking Protection Plan, you will have the peace of mind that should the worst happen, you’re not alone.